Quality & Public Reporting

“Quality patient-centered care at LACGH entails knowledgeable, skilled and timely diagnosis and treatment by a respectful, empathetic health care team with a key focus on open communication with patient families. This care will be provided in a safe, clean and inviting environment.”
LACGH, Patient & Family Advisory Council, 2017
We believe our patients and our community have the right to be kept informed about who we are, what we do and how we are doing.
Our intent is to operate on the principal of honesty, transparency and accountability to those we serve.
Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA)
The focus of the ECFAA is quality and continuous improvements, to ensure accountability by all staff and to improve overall patient satisfaction. In accordance with the ECFAA, we have established a Quality Committee of the Board of Directors to review what we do well and to develop plans to address areas for improvement. The Quality Committee continually reviews quality indicators and monitors our progress, as we strive to provide the best patient experience possible.
Requirements of the ECFAA:
- Establish a quality committee that report on quality-related issues
- Put annual quality improvement plans in place and make these available to the public
- Link executive compensation to the achievement of targets set out in the quality improvement plan
- Put patient / care provider satisfaction surveys in place
- Conduct staff surveys
- Develop a declaration of values following public consultation, if such a document is not currently in place
- Establish a patient relations process to address and improve the patient experience.
Patient Declaration of Values
To receive services with compassion and dignity and be treated without prejudice or judgement.
To be able to obtain services close to home with ease, comfort and convenience.
To be listened to and be kept well informed about care, surroundings and what to expect during hospital stay.
Customer Service
To be welcomed with a friendly smile by courteous, kind and caring people.
To have trust and confidence in the skills and efficiency of staff and services provided by the hospital.