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Accessibility Standards for Customer Services  

Our hospital is committed to providing equal access to our services for people with disabilities in a way that respects their dignity and independence.

We will use reasonable effort to give people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and allow them to benefit from the same services in the same place and in a similar way as others. In instances when this is not possible, an alternative opportunity will be discussed to ensure the best possible service is received.

When developing Customer Service policies, we will promote the respect, dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Staff will also be trained when changes are made to these policies, practices and procedures.


We will communicate in a way that takes the persons disability into account. We will endeavor to make written information such as teaching/resource material, instructions, invoices, signage, etc. accessible to all customers. Staff will be available in person or by telephone to provide assistance and to answer any questions customers may have about the content. 

We will make every effort to make information available to those with disabilities in a format that is acceptable for individual needs upon request.  Individuals can contact the Administrative Assistant (ext. 416), or the Executive Assistant (ext. 202) to request an accessible format. 

Interpreter Services: The hospital will make every effort to provide interpreter services for people who have hearing impairment and require an interpreter. 

Our phone services include the availability of a TTY unit. You may request access to the unit by asking your healthcare provider. Clear instructions will be located with the unit and key staff will be educated on how to access the services. There is a pay phone located in the Emergency Department waiting room, that has TTY capabilities.


We encourage feedback from staff, volunteers, visitors and patients related to improvement of accessibility to our services. The Hospital will make every reasonable effort to remove barriers whether they are physical, information or communication, attitudinal, technological, systemic or an architectural barrier. Feedback regarding the way we provide services to people with disabilities can be made verbally (in person or by telephone), in writing, survey response, mail, email or fax) to the office of the CEO. All feedback resulting in a complaint related to services, will be addressed according to the complaint process established in the hospital Feedback Management System policy. An acknowledgement to the complaint can be expected within three business days of receipt of the complaint.

Support Persons

Support persons will be allowed to accompany people with disabilities on parts of our premises that are open to the public. Support persons are expected to follow all hospital policies and procedures including patient confidentiality. In areas where the support person is not allowed to accompany the patient/visitor (operating room, radiology exam room) the support person will be requested to remain in a waiting area and staff assistance will be provided during the separation period. 

Service Animals

We welcome people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal on all aspects of our premises that are open to the public unless otherwise permitted for the purpose of safety including infection control or if another persons health may be compromised. Where a service animal is excluded by law, the hospital will look to other available measures to enable the person to access our services ensuring their needs are considered. 

Animals must be supervised and the handler/designate must maintain full control, and be responsible for the care of the animal at all times. The animal must be clean, healthy, well groomed, free of parasites, house trained, have up-to-date vaccinations and be clearly identified and recognizable as a service animal. The owner is responsible for making available training school and up-to-date immunization records, if requested. 

Accessibility Training Program

To increase awareness and ensure practice of guidelines for interacting and assisting people with disabilities according to their individual needs, training will be provided to all employees, volunteers, physicians and others who deal with the public, and all those who are involved in the development and approval of customer service policies, practices and procedures. Training will be included in the general orientation program to all staff and volunteers. Staff will also be educated of any changes to these policies and practices.

Training will include

  • Information on the Accessibility Standards
  • The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the requirement of the customer services standard.
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities and what to do if a person experiences difficulty accessing services.
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person.
  • How to access the TTY or Bell Relay services.
  • How to access instructions to operate assistive equipment through the physiotherapy department.
  • Description of accessibility policies and practices and how to access them. 

Assistive Devices

People requiring assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our services are welcome. Our front line staff are familiar with most assistive devices used by our customers. Training and assistance is available to those who are not familiar with the use of various assistive devices by our nursing or physiotherapy staff as needed. Wheelchairs are located at the main entrance of the hospital. All public areas of the hospital are wheelchair accessible. 

Service Disruption

n the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to our services usually used by people with disabilities, notice will be posted at the public entrances and at the point of use. (i.e. elevators). Expected or prolonged service disruption, will be posted on the hospital website. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Every effort will be made to make alternative services available in the event of a service disruption that prevents people with disabilities from accessing our services. This may include: a map to an alternative route to services, instruction to notify staff upon arrival so that other arrangements can be made. 

Related Policies

  • Accessibility Policy – AO-48
  • Interpreter Services – CPR-2
  • Identification and Reporting Accessibility Barriers – CPR-9
  • Pet Visitation and Service Animals – CPR-18
  • Providing Services to People with Disabilities – B-9
  • Notice of Temporary Service Disruption – CPR-95
  • Accessibility Customer Services Standard Training Program – CPR-96
  • Assistive Devices for People with Disabilities – CPR-97
  • Feedback Management System – B-22

To Request Accessibility-Related Policies

Contact the Executive Assistant’s Office using one of the following methods:

Lennox and Addington County General Hospital
8 Richmond Park Drive
Napanee, Ontario K7R 2Z4
Attention: Executive Assistant

Phone: 613-354-3301, extension 202