Long-Term Care
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- Long-Term Care

The Long-Term Care (LTC) Unit at Lennox and Addington County General Hospital is a 22 bed air-conditioned Home with spacious patient rooms, dining area, kitchen, gym, family lounge and chapel. The Home has an interdisciplinary team of care providers to support residents and their caregivers including: a medical director, a nurse practitioner, nurses, an occupational therapist, physiotherapists, recreational therapists, dietitians, and social workers. When the weather is appropriate, our Healing Garden courtyard is a nice place to enjoy the outdoors in addition to the green spaces around the Hospital and the community of Greater Napanee.

The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy department is onsite. Each resident is assessed upon admission by the rehab team to determine need for equipment and for safety, and individualized therapy plan if required.
Recreational programs provide opportunities to stay active and socialize. In providing recreational programs related to the physical, emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual aspects of care, we demonstrate our commitment to the importance of promoting quality of life.
LACGH specializes in providing delicious, nutritious meals for all residents. Meals are an important part of residents’ lives, our Interim Long-Term Care Unit is proud of the dining experience offered at all meals.
All residents are offered a choice of entrées and side dishes at every meal from a diverse seasonal menu. The menus are 21 days in duration to provide residents’ with a variety of meals. All menus are developed by a clinical dietitian to ensure they offer balanced meals that meet residents’ preferences and nutritional requirements. Menus are posted in the Dining Room.
Special Diets
We offer a number of special diets to accommodate resident’s individual needs including but not limited to:
- Regular
- Dental Soft
- Minced texture
- Pureed texture
- Dental Soft
- Healthy Heart
- Diabetic
- High Energy/High Protein
- Thickened Fluids
Please note: if you have alternate and unique diet needs these can usually be accommodated.
Meal Times
Breakfast 8:00 am
Lunch 12:00 noon
Dinner 5:00 pm
Residents will be offered three nourishments between meals with a minimum of two choices at each snack time.
Our facility is smoke free. There will be smoking cessation aides available to residents. If residents wish to continue smoking, they need to independently be off hospital property.
A meeting with your Home & Community Care South East care coordinator will be held to discuss your discharge to a community Long-Term Care Home.
Mail arriving to the hospital in your name will be delivered to your room in a timely manner. To help expedite this delivery, mail should be addressed as;
Resident’s Full Name
Resident’s Room Number
Lennox and Addington County General Hospital
8 Richmond Park Drive
Napanee, Ontario K7R 2Z4
- Underclothes
- Non-slip shoes and slippers with closed heels
- Comfortable clothes (sweater / pants)
- Adaptive clothing if needed
- Sleepwear
Toiletries (scent free)
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush and Toothpaste
- Comb or hair brush
- Shaving items
- Denture care products
- Shampoo
- Razors
Please ensure that all personal belongings such as clothing, toiletries dentures, glasses and hearing aids are labelled.
We encourage family members to launder resident’s soiled items; however, laundry service can be provided upon request.
There is no client fee as the Program is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. However, you will be charged for some additional services such as television, prescriptions and dispensary fee.
You will also be responsible for transportation to and from medical appointments. Information regarding transportation options can be provided by the unit clerk.
Dental, Foot Care and Hairdressing Services are available at a cost. Please contact the individual for the service you would like provided.
Please do not bring valuables with you to the Home. The Home cannot be responsible for money or valuables not placed in safekeeping.
In the event that you need to keep valuables with you during your stay, there is a safe available in your room and you can be set up with access on admission
Building Security
All exterior doors to our Home are locked to prevent unauthorized entry or exit for the security of residents. Screening measures are in effect for COVID-19.
Please use the main entrance of the Hospital upon entering or exiting the facility.
We have a generator in place in the event of a power failure. The generator maintains the operation of, lighting, refrigeration and selected power outlets on the unit.
Air Conditioning
The Home is fully air conditioned and is monitored for temperature variations so that any deficiencies can be addressed in a timely fashion by on-site support staff.
Fire & Safety Regulations
Electrical appliances/items such as fridges, electric fireplaces, toasters, or coffee makers are not allowed in residents’ rooms. For your convenience, appliances such as these are available in the dining room located on the unit. As a fire safety precaution, electrical items such as fans must be cleared by the Maintenance Department. LACGH does not allow the use of extension cords and octopus electrical cords. Power bars are an acceptable alternative. For resident and staff safety, scatter mats and rugs are prohibited for use in the Home.
Fire drills are conducted monthly on each shift for the safety of residents and staff. The night drill is conducted as a silent drill to avoid unnecessary sleep disruptions. Fire exits are clearly identified and are located at all stairwells. The Emergency Plan is completely reviewed on an annual basis.
Minimal Use of Restraints/Personal Assistive Safety Devices (PASDs)
Safety devices including posture pals and seat belts are used in support of resident safety following a comprehensive assessment of need. LACGH is a least-restraint Home. Consent from the family will be obtained if staff feel restraints are needed. Restraints are only utilized as a last resort and are constantly monitored and evaluated to ensure their safety and necessity.
Abuse Policy
LACGH has a policy to promote zero tolerance for abuse. All allegations of abuse will be investigated by the Home and reported to the Ministry of Health. For further information regarding this policy please see our information board posted on the unit. If you require a copy of this policy please refer to the instructions posted on the board or review the complaint section below.
Mandatory Reporting
The Home is obligated to make mandatory reports to the Ministry of Health related to incidents resulting in harm or risk of harm to a resident. Incidents include the following;
- Improper or incompetent treatment or care of a resident
- Abuse by anyone or neglect by the licensee or staff
- Unlawful conduct
- Misuse or misappropriation of a resident’s money
- Misuse or misappropriation of funding provided to the licensee
For further information regarding mandatory reporting please see our information board posted on the unit. If you require a copy of this information please refer to the instructions posted on the board.
Whistle-blowing Protection
Residents, families and staff are protected in regards to disclosure to the Ministry of Health. No person shall retaliate against another person for disclosure of information to an inspector, the Director or other Ministry of Health official. The same whistle blowing protection also states that the home cannot discourage anyone from disclosing. For further information regarding Whistle Blowing protection see our information board posted on the unit. If you require a copy of this information, please refer to the instructions posted on the board.
Our LTC Home, and all other long-term care homes in Ontario, are governed by the Fixing Long-Term Care Act. The requirements in the LTCHA ensure that residents of these homes receive safe, consistent, and high-quality resident-centered care in settings where residents feel at home, are treated with respect, and have the supports and services they need for their health and well-being.
Home: the fundamental principle
Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021
The fundamental principle to be applied in the interpretation of this Act and anything required or permitted under this Act is that a long-term care home is primarily the home of its residents and is to be operated so that it is a place where they may live with dignity and in security, safety and comfort and have their physical, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural needs adequately met.
The formation of residents’ rights afforded to all persons living in long-term care homes, began in the early 1950’s. The Ontario Residents’ Bill of Rights is embedded in our provincial legislation, Fixing Long-Term Care Act (FLTCA), 2021, and accompanying Regulations (O. Reg. 246/22). The Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils (OARC) has compiled a listing of translations of the new Residents’ Bill of Rights which can be found through the links below:
Arabic |
Chinese (Cantonese) |
Chinese (Simplified – Mainland China) |
Chinese (Traditional – Hong Kong) |
Chinese (Traditional – Taiwan) |
Dutch |
English |
Estonian |
Farsi/Persian |
Finnish |
French (Canadian) |
German |
Greek |
Hindi |
Hungarian |
Italian |
Japanese |
Korean |
Polish |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
Portuguese (Portugal) |
Russian |
Slovenian (Slovene) |
Spanish |
Spanish (Latin-America) |
Vietnamese |
At LACGH we strongly value customer feedback. Communication is the key to ensuring that we continue to meet the diverse needs of our residents and their respective families. There are a number of ways to share concerns or feedback. We encourage you to complete our semi-annual resident satisfaction and food satisfaction surveys.
Comments, concerns or suggestions should be brought forth to any staff member on the Unit. If there is no resolution to your issue, please bring the matter forward to the Director of Care. In the event that a resident or family feels the issue is not resolved, the resident or family member should follow the process recommended below. If resident or family member wishes to submit a formal complaint, Formal Complaint Forms are available upon request. All written complaints will be forwarded to the Administrator or designate to ensure appropriate and timely follow-up. A copy of our Complaint Policy is available on the Unit’s communication board posted on the unit and pictured below:

LACGH is fully licensed by the Ministry of Health. Residents, families and staff may be involved in annual Ministry of Health interviews to determine ongoing adherence to relevant legislation governing long-term care. More information can be obtained from the Home’s Administrator.
The CVC Quality Improvement Plan is incorporated in the corporate QIP and submitted annually to Ontario Health Quality.
- Lennox and Addington County General Hospital LTC Unit: (613) 354-3301 extension 240
- Switchboard, extension 0
- Unit Coordinator, extension 220
- Recreation Services Manager, extension 422
- Infection Control Lead, Shelby Lloyd, extension 432, slloyd@lacgh.napanee.on.ca
- VP Diagnostic Services, Quality, Accreditation & Communication, Erin Brown, extension 406, ebrown@lacgh.napanee.on.ca
- Senior VP
- Chief Nursing Officer/LTC Administrator, Christine Wilkinson, extension 423, christine.wilkinson@lacgh.napanee.on.ca
- President and Chief Executive Officer, Mike Bell, extension 202, anussberger@lacgh.napanee.on.ca
- Long-Term Care Facility Support and Action Line: (866) 434-0144
- Director Long-Term Care Inspections Branch, Long-Term Care Operations Division, 119 King St. W, 11th Floor, Hamilton ON L8P 4Y7
- The Patient Ombudsman for Ontario: 888-321-0339 or TTY: 416-597-5371