Medical Residents

Lennox and Addington County General Hospital is a teaching facility and welcomes Queens Medical Residents to spend time with our physicians. We trust your learning experience will be rewarding and beneficial.
As we are a paperless/electronic environment, it is of the utmost importance for Residents to have paperwork (forms below) completed well in advance of arrival for your rotation, so that staff can plan for related training.
Please forward completed forms to:
Andrea Nussberger
Executive Assistant to the CEO
Lennox and Addington County General Hospital
8 Richmond Park Drive
Napanee, ON K7R 2Z4
Covid-19 Information
On August 17, 2021, the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health issued Directive #6: COVID-19 Vaccine Policy in Healthcare Settings. In accordance with their Directive, LACGH has established a COVID-19 vaccination policy requiring all students, residents or learners in any program completing placements or residencies in, at, or on any of LACGH’s sites or buildings who interact with LACGH personnel or patients, to be fully vaccinated.
To be fully vaccinated, the individual must have:
- Received the full series (2 doses) of an approved COVID-19 vaccine, or a combination of accepted vaccines; and
- Have allowed for at least 14 days to pass since the last dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have had an exposure to a person with COVID-19 without appropriate PPE, or have recently travelled outside of Canada, please consult Infection Prevention & Control at 613-354-3301, extension 432 prior to attending your rotation.
Information for Hospitalist Residents
Welcome to all residents coming to Napanee, Ontario for a Hospitalist rotation!! Please read the following information and resources carefully.
A clinical orientation handbook has been drafted by the Hospitalist Resident Coordinators to help familiarize residents coming to our Hospital for their Hospitalist rotation. Click on the following link to review:
Hospitalist Resident “Clinical Pearls Rounds”
For residents who are scheduled to present at the Hospitalist Resident Rounds, further instruction, and a list of topics to choose from can be found by clicking on the following link:
MetricAid Scheduling (Hospitalist Residents)
MetricAid is the scheduling software our hospital uses for physicians. It is the master schedule and is live. Please refer to it for the days you are scheduled to be on as hospitalist. All residents who will be doing hospitalist work are invited to MetricAid at the beginning of the academic year. If you have not received an invite, please contact Dr. Crystal Gonu. As soon as you get your MetricAid invite, please be sure to:
- Enter your phone number and edit your contact information. Physicians, switchboard and unit clerks will be able to access this. We depend on this for contacting you when you are on call.
- Ensure your preferences are set to allow all emails so that you are aware of changes.
- Notify your preceptors of any and all changes that occur to your schedule.
Vacation requests are by invitation (you will be emailed) and are typically submitted in June and October which, in many cases, is well in advance of your planned rotation.
Information Systems and “Service Desk”
Once the information services team has received word that your rotation paperwork has been submitted, they will work to create your access and profiles. You will be receiving an email from the Service Desk in relation to your Windows, Meditech and PACS accounts. If you have difficulties with these during your rotation, the Service Desk can be reached by contacting:
- 613-354-3301, extension 491
Please note that access will not be granted until all of your paperwork is in and processed.
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
The Information Services Team will create a PACS account for your use while on your rotation. Please click on the following linked documents for your reference, tips and information on PACS:
Of note: In ER, GE Centricity PACS is used. In all other clinical areas, GE PACS Web is available on all computers.
Hospital Remote Access
Remote Access is offered to all Physicians and Hospitalist and or Family Medicine Residents. Accessing our hospital services through Citrix will require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Please click on the following Enrollment Instructions:
For remote access to the hospital’s Citrix Access Gateway, you will first need to download and install the Citrix Receiver from the following link: Once the Citrix Receiver has been downloaded you will then be able to logon to the LACGH Citrix website using the windows credentials provided by the Service Desk, Information Services Team.